
The Beginnings of Tattoo Art

The history of Tattoo Art goes back thousands of years approximately 20,0 years BC. to the Stone Age. Tattooing has occurred in antiquity in cultures that were more advanced such as the, Ancient Africans, (Old Kingdom) African Egyptians, the Chinese, Mayans, Aztecs, Greeks and the Romans. Today it is still occurring in societies around the world who have been doing it for eons of time, such as the Polynesians, Native Americans and tribes in the Amazonian rain forest who still use tattoo body art as a part of their everyday life. Millennia ago people used tattooing as ritual for religious ceremonies and rights of passage into adulthood for both males and females. It was used as a symbol of one's status in society within families and in neighboring tribes.

It was also used for protection to ward off diseases, evil spirits and negative energies and to beautify the body. In south East Asia women used tattooing to indicate a particular skill by placing it on their forearm. Some of the oldest tattoos are found in Egypt before and during the time of the building of the great pyramids.

The first official tattoo machine was invented by Thomas Edison in the United States. It was, at first, intended to be used as an engraving device, but in 1891, Samuel O' Reilly rediscovered that Edison's machine could be modified and used to introduce ink into the skin, he later patented a tube and needle system to provide an ink reservoir.

Almost a hundred years ago tattooing was frowned upon by the upper classes in the United States, because the average person could get a tattoo and tattooing was considered sleazy, and uncivilized. Back then people who wore tattoos were considered to be unclean, immoral, and transients who worked in circuses and freak shows moving from place to place.

Tattooing was reintroduced into mainstream western society by Lyle Tuttle a tattoo artist that opened up a tattoo studio in San Francisco more than 50 years ago. In the 1960's, he tattooed famous celebrities of the time like, Henry Fonda, Janis Joplin and Jane Fonda. He has also worked as an instructor teaching tattoo body art around the globe. He is seen as a teacher and legend in the industry of tattoo body art and is now since retired.

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